The thrilling conclusion to the inaugural adventures of British mystery novelist Renée Stone.After countless twists and turns, we finally learn the endgame of scheming billionaire Anis Badian, who has orchestrated ruses, abductions, and even murders in order to position Stone and archeologist John Malowan at an ancient site outside Mosul, Iraq, in search of invaluable treasure: that of legendary Assyrian king Assurbanipal. Meanwhile, renowned journalist Graham Gray has undertaken to clear the name of trafficker Henry de Frick, who has been accused of murdering Malowan and Stone...
Julie Birmant was born in France in 1974. She would find her way to Brussels in college to study at the INSAS, an art institute where she studied cinema. There she created scientific documentaries as well as taking a leading role in the magazine "Alternatives théâtrales." After a trip to Japan, she then returned to France, where she worked for France Culture and became a playwright, writing for several theater festivals. Her first graphic novel, "Drôles de femmes" (Dargaud), illustrated by Catherine Meurisse and released in 2010, is a collection of portraits of famous female figures. A few years later, Birmant joined with Clément Oubrerie to create the biographical series "Pablo" (Dargaud), recounting Picasso's childhood, followed by "Isadora," which tells the incredible story of American dancer Isadora Duncan. Most recently, the pair published the adventure series "Renée Stone" (Dargaud, Europe Comics in English), which follows a young Brtitish writer as she travels to Ethiopia in 1930.
Clément Oubrerie naît en région parisienne en 1966. Après le bac, il entame des études d'arts graphiques à l'école Penninghen, qu'il interrompt pout partir aux États-Unis. Il y passe deux années, exerce toutes sortes de métiers et y voit ses travaux publiés pour la première fois. De retour en France, il illustre des ouvrages pour la jeunesse et s'ouvre avec succès aux techniques numériques de l'animation. En 2005, il fait une entrée remarquée dans la bande dessinée avec
Aya de Yopougon 1. La justesse décontractée de son trait, son art de la mise en scène comme des couleurs font des merveilles, de la série
Pablo à l'adaptation des
Royaumes du Nord. Il multiplie les collaborations, avec François Bégaudeau, Joann Sfar, Julie Birmant ou Leïla Slimani... mais il travaille parfois en solo, quand il adapte
Zazie dans le métro ou raconte les amours de Voltaire.
Auteur(s) : Julie Birmant
Auteur(s) : Julie Birmant
Publication : 25 mai 2022
Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]
Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)
Taille(s) : 62,4 Mo (ePub)
EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9791032813102