Anton "Witko" Witkowski didn't pull himself by his bootstraps. He punched his way up out of the projects where he was born, to world renown as middleweight champion. He's larger-than-life, a force of nature. He gets what he wants. He taunts his opponents. He breaks up with women by leaving them a red Corvette. It's his way or the highway. With violent colors, dynamic linework, and unflagging narrative drive, Baru delivers a masterful meditation on pride, loyalty, and manhood in a world where the system's stacked against some people, and all they have is their friends—and their rage.
Baru (auteur, Illustré par)
Baru a 63 ans. Il vit en banlieue de Nancy.En une vingtaine de livres, Baru n'a cessé de raconter le monde ouvrier, sa culture, sa solidarité, ses combats et ses désillusions. D'origine italienne, son œuvre parle aussi de l'intégration des immigrés. Graphisme radical, écriture au scalpel, sans pathos ni forfanterie, les bandes dessinées de Baru révèlent un auteur hors du commun, singulier, attachant et éminemment respecté de ses pairs.Baru a reçu en janvier 2010 le Grand Prix du festival d'Angoulême, consacrant l'ensemble de son œuvre.
Publication : 21 novembre 2018
Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]
Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)
Taille(s) : 111 Mo (ePub)
EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9791032805947