Where did he come from? All Mulo knows is that he grew up in an orphanage on the French mainland. Then he receives an enigmatic letter directing him to an island off the coast of Brittany and promising him a glimpse into his past. A ferry delivers Mulo to the island where, in a seemingly abandoned cannery, he discovers a clue to his past—and learns that for some, he's considered unfinished business. Drug busts, failed executions, and lousy weather—this is hardly an island holiday for a young mule on a quest. It doesn't get any better when the truth you seek is on an old VHS tape that should have been destroyed a long time ago.
Né en 1977, Pog est un fascinant touche-à-tout, aussi à l'aise dans l'écriture d'albums jeunesse (plus de 40 à son actif !) que dans celles d'albums de bande dessinée. Auteur ouvert sur le monde, à l'affût des petits détails de la vie quotidienne et des émotions de ceux qui l'entourent, il dresse souvent le portrait de personnages attachants car criants de justesse, par exemple dans sa série <i>Trappeurs de rien</i>, avec Thomas Priou ou <i>Mulo</i> avec Cédrick Le Bihan. Après une participation au collectif des <i>Histoires courtes du Marsupilami</i>, il revient chez Dupuis pour <i>Les Bras Armés</i>.
Cédrick Le Bihan has been drawing since shortly after he was born, in 1974, and he has never stopped. After studying advertising, he went to Lyon where he enrolled at the École Emile Cohl, before naturally transitioning into comics, storyboards, and illustrations. After working for a time with independent publishers, he partnered up with Dargaud for his first major project, "Mulo" (Dargaud 2017, Europe Comics 2018), alongside writer POG.
Publication : 17 octobre 2018
Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]
Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)
Taille(s) : 72,2 Mo (ePub)
EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9791032806876