In the third installment of Renaud and Dufaux's classic thriller series, Jessica Blandy finds herself a prisoner in the Florida everglades—at the mercy of a pair of murderous brothers and caught up in a plot to make a man disappear. Do her captors plan to hold her for ransom, or do they have something else in mind? Set to the sounds of the swamp and the haunting voice of Jim Morrison, this might be Jessica's most dangerous adventure yet.
Renaud Denauw was born in Mouscron (Belgium) in 1936. He graduated from the college of Saint-Luc in Tournai with a degree in advertising and lithography. His classmates included a certain Raoul Cauvin, whom he would meet again later while working for the magazine "Spirou." After spending a year in advertising, Renaud adapted the novels of Fleuve Noir as comic strips for the pocket magazines of Éditions Aredit. Keen to improve his talent, he started working on "Spirou" in 1975 as well as, under the pseudonym "Sylvain," publishing the (very revealing) adventures of "Merline" in the monthly magazines of Éditions des Archers. He later left "Spirou" for "Tintin," where editor in chief Jean-Luc Vernal proposed that he work on a new project with scriptwriter Jean Dufaux. The result was short-lived, but would ultimately lead to a new partnership on the long-running series "Jessica Blandy" (Dupuis, Europe Comics in English), which debuted in 1987.
Publication : 23 janvier 2019
Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]
Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)
Taille(s) : 48,9 Mo (ePub)
EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9791032807354