L'Empire est à son apogée, aucune armée ne saurait lui faire face et toutes les terres connues sont désormais sous sa domination après la chute de l'armée du Moyen-Orient et sa mise à sac. Mais les soldats risquent de sombrer dans l'ennui et la lassitude de la victoire facile et l'Empereur décide d'envoyer la troupe d'élite loin, plus loin que le désert, à la recherche du bastion Omega coupé de sa base depuis des années. C'est là que la redoutable légion va finalement rencontrer le doute, l'obstination, la fraternité, la souffrance des corps et des âmes mais aussi la peur... Voici l'intégrale d'une trilogie étonnante, parue dans la collection « Poisson Pilote », qui propose un péplum fantastique. Merwan Chabane et Bastien Vivès se jouent des repères historiques et signent une odyssée singulière et innovante.
Vives (auteur, Illustré par)
Bastien Vivès was born on February 11th, 1984. With a diploma from the prestigious Ecole des Gobelins, where he studied animation, Vivès got his start thanks to a comics workshop he cofounded in Paris. The young French author first gained attention through the label KSTR (an imprint of Casterman), where he published "Goût de Chlore," and later through "Amitié étroite." He then went to work for Dargaud, teaming with Merwan on "Pour l'empire" ("For the Empire," Europe Comics 2017), an engrossing adventure trilogy, before shifting to Dupuis, where he collaborated on the two-part crime fiction story "La Grande Odalisque" (Dupuis 2012, Europe Comics in English 2018) alongside Jérôme Mulot and Florent Ruppert.
The French creator Merwan is a graduate of the Ecole nationale des arts décoratifs. After passing through the prestigious Ecole des Gobelins, he first made his mark in the realm of video games and animation, working as a storyboarder. In 2002, he drew attention with his animated short film "Biotope," which he wrote and directed. Supported by the CNC and Arte, he continued the experience with a second animated short film titled "Clichés de soirée," selected for the "Cartoon d'or" prize in 2009. Later, Merwan's shift to the comics world took place with "Fausse garde" (Vents d'ouest, 2009) and "L'Or et le sang" (12bis, 2009), a saga involving creators Fabien Nury and Maurin Defrance. In 2010, in collaboration with Bastien Vivès, he began work on "Pour l'empire" (Dargaud; "For the Empire," Europe Comics), an engrossing adventure trilogy. He then followed this up with "Le bel âge" (Dargaud; "The Glory Days," Europe Comics). His most recent work is the immersive sci-fi graphic novel "Mécanique céleste" (Dargaud; "Aster of Pan," Europe Comics).
Auteur(s) : Vives, Merwan
Auteur(s) : Vives, Merwan
Publication : 11 septembre 2020
Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [PDF], Livre numérique eBook [ePub]
Protection(s) : Marquage social (PDF), Marquage social (ePub)
Taille(s) : 253 Mo (PDF), 144 Mo (ePub)
EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [PDF] : 9782205088564
EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9782205088540
EAN13 (papier) : 9782205087819