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Massam, the slave that Poppaea uses to do her dirty work, is given the order to exterminate Balba the gladiator and his accomplice Evix, the woman who dared better Nero in a chariot race. The pair of them are considered dangerous enemies of the emperor. At the imperial palace, while Nero is making plans for a whole new Rome, Poppaea lounges around with her entourage. Arsilia, one of those closest to her, is secretly summoned to meet Petronius the poet in a rough part of town. There she finds Murena, with whom she was rather enamored in the days when he was close to the emperor. Murena is convinced that Arsilia is implicated in the kidnapping of the only woman he's ever loved, and that she knows where she's been taken. Murena is determined to find his lover, and so decides to leave for Gaul. Balba and Evix say they'll accompany him, but on one condition: when they come back, Murena must help them eliminate Nero, the tyrant who killed Britannicus.


  • Jean Dufaux (auteur)

    Jean Dufaux est l'auteur d‘une oeuvre importante comprenant près de 200 titres, une oeuvre originale, à l'écart des modes, plus complexe qu'il n'y paraît : "Complainte des landes perdues, Double masque, Murena, Rapaces, Djinn, Croisades, Barracuda, Sortilèges, Loup de Pluie, Le Bois des vierges, Conquistador, ..." Le monde de Jean Dufaux s'orchestre autour de quelques thèmes récurrents qui structurent ses récits : le pouvoir et la folie, la solitude et ses miroirs, les égarements du temps, les blessures du passé. Cette mosaïque immense qui ne refuse ni les jubilations du roman-feuilleton ni les ellipses cinématographiques se veut avant tout une oeuvre de plaisir, d'enchantement, au sens féerique et occulte du terme. Ces albums, vendus à des millions d'exemplaires, couronnés par de nombreux prix et récompenses, diffusés dans une douzaine de pays (Europe, Japon, Etats-Unis). Parmi les nombreux prix, dont certains pour son oeuvre complète, citons : Le prix Calibre 38, (prix du meilleur polar) pour HAMMETT, aux éditions Glénat, en 1996. Le prix de la Société des gens de lettres pour MURENA, aux editions Dargaud, en 2007. Le prix Cheverny (meilleur roman graphique "Histoire") pour MURENA en 2011. Jean Dufaux est, par ailleurs, président du jury des prix Diagonale qui, en Belgique, récompensent chaque année des artistes de la bande dessinée. En 2009, son oeuvre est exposée lors des « Regards croisés de la bande dessinée belge » dans les musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Jean Dufaux a été nommé chevalier de l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres en 2009.
  • Delaby Philippe (Illustré par)

    Born in Tournai (Belgium) in 1961, Philippe Delaby was a natural born artist. It wasn't until the age of 8, however, that he discovered his passion for comics, when his father gave him his very first album. Ever since, these stories in speech bubbles have been a major part of his life. At 14 he was accepted into the Academy of Fine Arts in his hometown, where he fine-tuned his talent. Fascinated by Ingres and the Flemish masters, he got to grips not only with the art of drawing, but oil painting as well. His attraction to comics took over nevertheless, and at the age of 18 he won a competition for young artists that opened to him the pages of the magazine "Tintin." From the weekly magazine for readers "7 to 77" came "Hello Bédé," which he illustrated with a script written by Y. Duval, and "Arthur au royaume de l'Impossible" and "Richard Coeur de Lion," two sagas that earned him a Clio Award at the Paris History Fair in 1993. The same year he illustrated "Bran," written by J.-L. Vernal, which tells the story of a young Gaul. In 1994, together with novelist L. Delisse he released "L'Étoile polaire," a medieval fantasy thriller published by Le Lombard. In 1997, encouraged by the scriptwriter Jean Dufaux, he masterfully brought back to life the imperial Rome of Nero in the award-winning "Murena," published by Dargaud (Europe Comics in English). With his growing success, Philippe Delaby allowed himself to escape into the "Complainte des landes perdues" ("Lament of the Lost Moors," Cinebook), a fantasy world imagined by his friends Jean Dufaux and Grzegorz Rosinski. Philippe Delaby died on January 29, 2014.

Auteur(s) : Jean Dufaux


Editeur : Europe Comics

Auteur(s) : Jean Dufaux

Publication : 6 avril 2016

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)

Taille(s) : 68,5 Mo (ePub)

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3780

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9791032801284

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