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COVID-19 sparked the largest global crisis of the 21st century, extending well beyond public health. For some, the impact was swift and dramatic, with the pandemic pushing tens of millions into poverty and creating extreme food insecurity; for others, the transformations are still bubbling under the surface. Efforts to arrest the spread of COVID-19 entailed far-reaching forms of government intervention and the extensive use of new technologies. Questions thus remain as to whether the societal changes brought about by COVID-19 will endure in the post-pandemic period. The return of geopolitics, along with the war in Ukraine and tensions in Asia, have further complexified an already complex global situation.

Since March 2020, there has been an explosion of analyses about the short-term impacts and future global consequences of COVID-19. Parallels to the 1930s collapse of Europe have been made, as recounted by Stefan Zweig in his famous memoir, The World of Yesterday. While most commentators are pessimistic, some are looking for positive change. Faced with this unprecedented crisis, we have been propelled to think about how, in the “next world,” we can strengthen economic prosperity, social justice, the environment, gender relations, public health, and political institutions—or at least ensure that these features of our world do not continue to deteriorate.

In The Afterworld, 50 professors from four Montreal universities, among the foremost experts in their fields, propose progressive, pragmatic, and social science-based ideas with the potential to improve international cooperation, security, human rights, and sustainable prosperity beyond the pandemic.


  • Philippe Fournier (Contributions de)

    Né à Bedford, en Estrie, en 1934, Philippe Fournier a poursuivi ses études au séminaire de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu de 1948 à 1954. À la suite du décès de son père, horloger-bijoutier à Bedford depuis 1927, il reprit le commerce et le métier paternel, où il s'activa jusqu'en 2006.Puis vint la retraite, moment où il troqua sa loupe d'horloger contre le monocle du récupérateur de pépites de l'histoire québécoise.
  • Pierre Martin (Contributions de)

    Pierre Martin est professeur de science politique à l'Université de Montréal et chercheur au CÉRIUM. Diplômé des universités Laval (B.A.) et Northwestern (Ph.D.), il a été professeur invité à l'Université Harvard et chercheur invité au Wilson Center à Washington. Ses travaux portent notamment sur les États-Unis, les relations internationales et l'analyse de l'opinion publique. Il a codirigé quatre ouvrages et publié de nombreux articles dans des publications spécialisées. Depuis 2015, il est chroniqueur au Journal de Montréal et au Journal de Québec.


Editeur : Les Presses de l'UniversitÈ d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press

Publication : 30 avril 2024

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Aucune (ePub)

Taille(s) : 2,43 Mo (ePub)

Langue(s) : Anglais

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9780776641492

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