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Disability Politics and Theory, a historical exploration of the concept of disability, covers the late nineteenth century to the present, introducing the main models of disability theory and politics: eugenics, medicalization, rehabilitation, charity, rights and social and disability justice. A.J. Withers examines when, how and why new categories of disability are created and describes how capitalism benefits from and enforces disabled people’s oppression. Critiquing the currently dominant social model of disability, this book offers an alternative. The radical framework Withers puts forward draws from schools of radical thought, particularly feminism and critical race theory, to emphasize the role of interlocking oppressions in the marginalization of disabled people and the importance of addressing disability both independently and in conjunction with other oppressions. Intertwining theoretical and historical analysis with personal experience, this book is a poignant portrayal of disabled people in Canada and the U.S. — and a call for social and economic justice.

This revised and expanded edition includes a new chapter on the rehabilitation model, expands the discussion of eugenics, and adds the context of the growth of the disability justice movement, Black Lives Matter, calls for defunding the police, decolonial and Indigenous land protection struggles, and the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • A.J. Withers (auteur)

    A. J. Withers organized with the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty for over 20 years, including as a paid organizer. They are the author of Fight to Win: Inside Poor People’s OrganizingA Violent History of Benevolence: Interlocking Oppression in the Moral Economies of Social Working (with Chris Chapman) and numerous other articles and book chapters. They are the Ruth Wynn Woodward Jr. Chair in Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at Simon Fraser University.

  • Robyn Maynard (Avant-propos de)

    Militante communautaire de longue date, Robyn Maynard s’implique dans les mouvements contre le profilage racial, la violence policière, la détention et la déportation depuis plus d’une décennie.Elle a écrit dans le Washington Post,World Policy Journal, Toronto Star, Gazette de Montréalet dans le Canadian Women’s Studies Journal. Elle a aussi publié un essai paru dans la revue Maisonneuvequi a mérité la distinction d’ « essai le plus lu » de 2017. Ses contributions et textes sur les enjeux de la race, du genre et sur la discrimination sont enseignés au Canada et aux États-Unis. Elle est sollicitée pour son expertise par les médias locaux, nationaux et internationaux, y compris The Guardian, le Globe and Mail, ainsi que le Groupe de travail des Nations Unies sur les personnes d’ascendance africaine.
  • Rachel da Silveira Gorman is an associate professor in York University’s Critical Disability Studies Program, where she is program development lead for a new undergraduate program in Racialized Health and Disability Justice with a certificate in Mad Studies and Critical Mental Health. She is an artist and activist with expertise in fine arts, cultural studies, transnational social movements, aesthetics of disability, and critiques of ideology.

Auteur(s) : A.J. Withers


Editeur : Fernwood Publishing

Auteur(s) : A.J. Withers

Publication : 9 mai 2024

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [PDF]

Contenu(s) : PDF

Protection(s) : DRM Adobe (PDF)

Taille(s) : 2,31 Mo (PDF)

Langue(s) : Anglais

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [PDF] : 9781773636634

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