"I returned to the City about three o‘clock on that Monday afternoon pretty well disgusted with life. I had been three months in the Old Country, and was fed up with it." So opens John Buchans The Thirty-Nine Steps and with it he creates a whole new genre: the adventure novel. Richard Hannay, the protagonist, finds himself reluctantly drawn into a chain of events that drags him away from the civilisation of London and into the Scottish wilderness, where he is chased both by villains and by policemen.This book has been adapted countless times, the most famous one certainly being Alfred Hitchcock‘s 1935 version. Full of excitement and good humour, The Thirty-Nine Steps is a modern classic you‘ll never want to put down.
John Buchan est né en 1875 en Écosse. Après des études de droit à Oxford, il mène de front carrière politique et écriture. Il est successivement directeur de l’information dans le cabinet de Lloyd George pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, puis gouverneur général du Canada en 1935. Tour à tour romancier, journaliste, biographe, historien, il a laissé derrière lui une oeuvre imposante. Ce sont ses romans d’aventure qui l’ont rendu célèbre. Il crée le personnage de Richard Hannay, le héros des Trente-Neuf marches, modèle de l’espion moderne.
Editeur : Saga Egmont International
Publication : 4 janvier 2017
Support(s) : Livre audio [MP3]
Protection(s) : Aucune (MP3)
EAN13 Livre audio [MP3] : 9789176391860