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De Horde van de Levenden rukt steeds verder op en lijkt niet meer te stoppen. De krijgers wanen zich onoverwinnelijk. En toch is de gevreesde alliantie van de drie koningen breekbaarder dan gedacht. De Hittieten zijn beducht op hun komst en zijn tot de tanden gewapend met een nieuw soort wapens. Bovendien worden de eerste barsten zichtbaar in het front van de Horde. Is Thusia, de jonge dienares van koningin Simissee, louter een waarneemster van de gebeurtenissen, of onderneemt de raadselachtige geschiedschrijfster ook actie...? Een groots episch fresco met verbluffende tekeningen dat zich afspeelt in een weinig belicht stukje geschiedenis uit de Oudheid.


  • Sylvain Runberg (auteur)

    Sylvain Runberg, born in 1971, divides his time between Stockholm, Provence, and Paris. He has a diploma in Plastic Arts and an MA in Political History. Before he started writing, Runberg worked for publishing house Humanoides Associés, as the editor for Moebius & Enki Bilal, among others.His first book was launched in 2004 and since then Sylvain Runberg has had more than 50 books published by the largest French publishers (Glénat, Le Lombard, Dupuis, Dargaud, Casterman, Soleil, Futuropolis) and is now translated into 15 languages, having sold in total over 1 million copies worldwide.Very quickly recognized as one of the most talented writers of his generation, Sylvain Runberg is characterized by the variety of the worlds that he creates: space opera ("Orbital," "Warship Jolly Roger"), speculative fiction ("Drones"), psychological thrillers ("Cases Blanches," "Face Cachée," of which the first volume was awarded the Silver Prize of the 4th International Manga Awards in Tokyo), horror ("Sonar"), historical adventures tinged with fantasy ("Darwin's Diaries" [Le Lombard/Cinebook], "Conquests" [Le Lombard/Europe Comics], "Hammerfall"), dark fantasy, crime stories ("Motorcity" [Dargaud/Europe Comics], "Interpol" [Dupuis/Europe Comics]), and political thrillers, all characterized by his realistic style. Runberg has also adapted the Stieg Larsson trilogy "Millennium" ("The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo") with illustrators Homs and Man.Sylvain Runberg is currently working on several new comics projects that will be published in the years to come in Europe and the US (he has always claimed that the US comics scene was a great source of inspiration for him). He's also working on a TV project of his own creation, as well as other projects linked to television and other famous licenses.

Auteur(s) : Sylvain Runberg


Editeur : Standaard Uitgeverij

Auteur(s) : Sylvain Runberg

Publication : 5 août 2015

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)

Taille(s) : 44,3 Mo (ePub)

Langue(s) : Néerlandais, flamand

Code(s) CLIL : 3772, 3777

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 5420077113628

EAN13 (papier) : 9789055818136

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