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Whether forming a pirate gang to search for buried treasure or spending a quiet time at home, sharing his medicine with Aunt Polly's cat, the irrepressible Tom Sawyer evokes the world of boyhood in nineteenth century rural America. In this classic story, Mark Twain re-created a long-ago world of freshly whitewashed fences and Sunday school picnics into which sordid characters and violent incidents sometimes intruded. The tale powerfully appeals to both adult and young imaginations. Readers explore this memorable setting with a slyly humorous born storyteller as their guide.Tom and Huck Finn conceal themselves in the town cemetery, where they witness a grave robbery and a murder. Later, the boys, feeling unappreciated, hide out on a forested island while the townspeople conduct a frantic search and finally mourn them as dead. The friends triumphantly return to town to attend their own funeral, in time for a dramatic trial for the graveyard murder. A three-day ordeal ensues when Tom and his sweetheart, Becky Thatcher, lose their way in the very cave that conceals the murderer.


  • Mark Twain (auteur)

    De son vrai nom Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain (1835-1910) tire son pseudonyme de l'argot des pilotes de vapeur sur le Mississipi, métier qu'il exercera un temps. Il se lance en 1862 dans le journalisme. Sa première nouvelle, "L'Histoire de la grenouille sauteuse", reçoit un accueil chaleureux et lui apporte la célébrité. Dès lors, il n'arrête plus d'écrire : reportages, nouvelles, récits, et romans, dont Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer (1876) et Les Aventures de Huckleberry Finn (1885), considéré comme le texte fondateur de la littérature américaine.

Auteur(s) : Mark Twain


Editeur : Pandora's Box

Auteur(s) : Mark Twain

Publication : 9 décembre 2019

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Aucune (ePub)

Taille(s) : 1,22 Mo (ePub)

Langue(s) : Anglais

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9789897789458

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