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In the cruel, brutal world of the "maras"— Latin American gangs—violence, suffering, and crime batter flesh and are on display on members' tattooed bodies. Death is the only way out. Initiated into a gang in El Salvador at the age of thirteen, Samuel Santos finds a way to escape a few years later... at an impossibly high price. Now, in Caracas, where he's found some redemption, Samuel must seize his only chance to regain a part of himself—a part that had been ripped from him fourteen years earlier. Will he finally be able to write a new future over the tattoos from his past?


  • Nathalie Sergeef (auteur)

    Born in 1970, Nathalie Sergeef grew up near Waterloo, Belgium. At an early age she was drawn in by comics, first humoristic children's series, followed by more realistic graphic novels. Whatever she was reading, she always appreciated a good adventure. And she knew that she wanted to write. In 2012, she authored "Juarez" (Glénat), illustrated by Corentin Rouge, and "Down Under" (Glénat), illustrated by Fabio Pezzi. After that she wrote "HYVER 1709" (Glénat) in 2015, illustrated by Philippe Xavier, followed by the gritty graphic novel "Vertigo" (Le Lombard, Europe Comics in English) in 2016, illustrated by Ennio Bufi.
  • BUFI (Illustré par)

    Après avoir étudié la sculpture à l'Académie des Beaux-Arts de Bari, Ennio Bufi commence sa carrière en participant à plusieurs expositions collectives. Il remporte le prix "Pietro Miccia" au festival Torino Comics en 2006 pour la meilleure bande dessinée réaliste. Ennio se lance alors dans le cinéma d'animation, participant à diverses productions en tant qu'animateur et character designer. À partir de 2010, il dessine chez Edizioni Piemme et Bao Publighing les albums de "Geronimo Stilton", puis la série "Don Camillo", chez Renoir Comics, et travaille également pour Sergio Bonelli Editore, Bao Publishing et Star Comics. Depuis peu sur le marché franco-belge, en collaboration avec Arancia Studio, il a déjà travaillé chez Grand Angle et Glénat, ainsi qu'au Lombard, pour l'album "Vertigo".

Auteur(s) : Nathalie Sergeef


Editeur : Europe Comics

Auteur(s) : Nathalie Sergeef

Publication : 18 septembre 2019

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)

Taille(s) : 56 Mo (ePub)

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3779

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9791032809051

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