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PréférencesTout accepterTout refuserDr Bernard Penot, is a Psychiatrist (Paris, Salpetriere, 1972.), member of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society and training analyst in the Paris Psychoanalytical Institute, (1992); he was director of the Cerep-Montsouris day hospital for teenagers in Paris from 1988 to 2004; since 1996 he has worked to train psychoanalysts in Istanbul. He is the author of various books published in France and Brazil as well as of several papers in The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis.
Piera Aulagnier, Moses Laufer, Raymond Cahn, Bernard Penot, Paul-Claude Racamier, Philippe Gutton, Annie Birraux, Catherine Chabert, Jean Guillaumin, François Ladame, Jacques Hochmann, Marie-Noëlle Czesnoswicka, Philippe Jeammet, Christian Flavigny, Nicole Guédeney, Jean-José Baranes
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