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PréférencesTout accepterTout refuserSerge Morand is the author and co-author of more than 400 publications and book chapters, including:
1) Morand S, Krasnov, Littlewood T (eds) (2015) Parasite diversity and diversification: evolutionary ecology meets phylogenetics. Cambridge University Press.
2) Morand S, Dujardin J-P, Lefait-Rollin R, Apiwathnasorn C (eds) (2015) Socio-ecological dimensions of Infectious Diseases in Southeast Asia, Springer Singapore
3) Morand S, Figuié M (eds) (2015) Maladies infectieuses émergentes : regards croisés sur le pathologique et les risques sanitaires Quae (at press)
Gwenaël Vourc'H, François Moutou, Serge Morand, Elsa Jourdain
0,00 € (gratuit)
Sébastien Gardon, Amandine Gautier, Gwenola le Naour, Serge Morand
23,99 €
Gwenaël Vourc’h, François Moutou, Serge Morand, Elsa Jourdain
0,00 € (gratuit)
5,99 €
0,00 € (gratuit)
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