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One day a howler monkey opened his front door and found a baby puma on his doorstep.

“His mother must have been killed by the hunters,” he said to himself, “and now the little thing is lost. How beautifully red he is – just like us!”

And so the howler took the puma in with his own family, fed him at his table, raised him as a son and paid him more attention than he did his own offspring.

“Anyway,” the howler said, “I have a mane like an African lion, and I can make the same noise as a big cat. Why, I’m practically a feline myself. Thanks to my new son I shall be feared and respected.”

The howler took to riding about on his son’s back and the puma bared his teeth and stuck out his claws, inspiring great fear and respect, just to keep his father happy. But he reassured his fellow creatures, promising that he would never use his strength against them.

One day a howler monkey opened his front door and found a baby puma on his doorstep.

“His mother must have been killed by the hunters,” he said to himself, “and now the little thing is lost. How beautifully red he is – just like us!”

And so the howler took the puma in with his own family, fed him at his table, raised him as a son and paid him more attention than he did his own offspring.

“Anyway,” the howler said, “I have a mane like an African lion, and I can make the same noise as a big cat. Why, I’m practically a feline myself. Thanks to my new son I shall be feared and respected.”

The howler took to riding about on his son’s back and the puma bared his teeth and stuck out his claws, inspiring great fear and respect, just to keep his father happy. But he reassured his fellow creatures, promising that he would never use his strength against them.


  • Patrick Agot (auteur)


    Patrick Agot
    Martiniquais d'origine, cet écrivain amazonien, nous propose de découvrir et d' apprécier la faune et la flore amazoniennes à travers ses "Contes d'Amazonie". Dans ces recueils, il rassemble les paroles du sage de la forêt amazonienne, le paresseux. Loin des brouhahas des villes, du sifflement des avions, du vrombissement des moteurs, des marches mécaniques du métro, de l'effervescence des gares, vient le temps de l'immersion dans les trésors cachés de la nature et de la lecture des paroles du sage.

  • Jan (Illustré par)

    Jan Dungel (born 1951) is a Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator. A member of the Union of Visual Artists of the Czech Republic, he is especially noted for his paintings and drawings of animals, particularly birds, heavily influenced by a trip to South America in 1992.

Auteur(s) : Patrick Agot


Editeur : Amazonie Production Edition Guyane

Auteur(s) : Patrick Agot

Publication : 16 décembre 2013

Edition : 1ère édition

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [PDF + WEB]

Contenu(s) : PDF, WEB

Protection(s) : Marquage social (PDF), DRM (WEB)

Taille(s) : 5,84 Mo (PDF), 1 octet (WEB)

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3080, 3748

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [PDF + WEB] : 9791092633115

EAN13 (papier) : 9791092633108

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