In this final installment of the series that reinvented comic book spy stories, Operation Clean Up has begun. The Vice President and the CIA have launched a secret war against members of the Russian mafia based in the United States. Nothing can stop them now. Except for the one man who really knows what's at stake with this operation, and the murky alliances of the past. It's game over for the survivors of the Cold War, and the final mission for Floyd Whitman. Time to finally reveal the truth. And maybe save the woman he once loved?
Stephen Desberg was born in Brussels on 10 September 1954 and started writing scripts under the guidance of Maurice Tillieux. He collaborated on Tillieux's last "Tif et Tondu" stories ("Le Gouffre interdit" in 1978, then "Les Passe-montagnes") and then wrote the series on his own until the departure of Willy Maltaite (Will) in 1990. Desberg produced other stories for Will and for his son, Eric, with whom he successively developed a number of series before turning to a more adult type of humour in "Carmen Lamour" at PetT Productions in 1993. After this initial period, he worked for Spirou and devised the "Mic Mac Adam" series for Benn from 1978 onwards, a first attempt at "Billy the Cat" with Colman in 1979, the fantastic adventures of the angel "Arkel" for Marc Hardy in 1981 and the retro African atmosphere of "Jimmy Toussel" for Daniel Desorgher in 1987. At Casterman, he worked in association with Johan De Moor to devise the characters of "Gaspard de la nuit" and "La Vache." At Lombard, he wrote "Le Sang noir" for Bernard Vrancken. Dargaud published his "Étoile du désert," a saga illustrated by Enrico Marini. Amongst his more recent creations, "Le Cercle des sentinelles" with Philippe Wurm at Casterman is worth mentioning. However, it is with the kitten "Billy the Cat" that he has experienced his greatest success after deciding to revive the eight-year-old rough draft in 1987. These new adventures led to a remarkable series of albums, exactingly produced by a perfectionist cartoonist. They would also attract the attention of millions of European television viewers in a parallel series of animated cartoons.
Labiano, HuguesDessinateurNé le 01/01/1963 en FranceNé à Bayonne en 1963, Hugues Labiano s'est vite imposé parmi les dessinateurs majeurs de sa génération. Monté à Paris en 1984, après une enfance landaise et un bac d'arts plastiques dans sa ville natale, il a débuté en dessinant pour des fanzines tels que "Sapristi" et "Bulles Dingues". Sa carrière a cependant véritablement démarré en 1988 avec l'illustration d'un "Voyage au Coeur de l'Europe du Moyen-Age" (scé. : P. Brochard éd. : Hachette Jeunesse), de courtes BD dans les mensuels "Circus" et "Vécu", un album sur et pour la ville du Havre ("Premières Tempêtes" - scé. : Bethisy éd. : Dynamick). A partir de 1989, il participe au collectif "Canal-Choc" que dirigent Christin et Mézières aux éditions Alpen et réalise "L'Image disparue" et "Les Capitaines aveugles" en 1990, puis "Les Corps masqués" en 1991. En 1992, il publie "Lune gitane", le premier volume du triptyque "Matador" (scé. : G. Jakupi éd. : Glénat). Suivront "La Part du Feu" en 1993 et "L'Orgueilleux" en 1994. En 1997, pour Dargaud, le scénariste J. Dufaux l'entraîne sur la "Dixie Road", ce qui lui vaudra le Prix de la meilleure série au festival d'Illzach en 2000. Avec "Mister George" et ses auteurs Rodolphe et S. Le Tendre, H. Labiano inscrit maintenant son nom dans la prestigieuse collection "Signé" du Lombard. Le premier des deux tomes de ce troublant thriller paraît en août 2003.Série(s) réalisée(s)Aventure du Havre (L')Black OpCanal-ChocDixie RoadMatadorMister George
Auteur(s) : Stephen Desberg
Auteur(s) : Stephen Desberg
Publication : 11 mai 2016
Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]
Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)
Taille(s) : 57,3 Mo (ePub)
EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9791032800843