Zandra, 16 ans, sort d'une séance de cinéma avec son petit ami, André, lorsque des zorgbots leur tombent dessus et l'enlève... pour la ramener de force chez son père, Zorglub. La conversation qui s'ensuit ne plaît guère à la jeune fille et ne tarde pas à s'envenimer. Jusqu'à ce que, en colère et par erreur, Zorglub déclenche un rayon laser qui transforme une ville entière en île.Alors que le génial inventeur tente de se faire pardonner auprès de son enfant et que le malheureux André échappe tant bien que mal aux robots tueurs pour retrouver Zandra, un politicien vexé de s'être vu refuser la vente d'un rayon "séparatiste" attaque la base avec des soldats armés. Et pour ne rien arranger, Zandra découvre la vérité sur ses origines, une vérité qu'elle aurait préféré ne pas avoir à entendre.Rien ne va plus au pays du Z !
Jose Luis Munuera was born in 1972 in Southern Spain. After studying Fine Arts at the University of Granada, he became an illustrator of ‘historietas', as comics are called in Spain. But the 90s would prove a difficult period for newspapers and comic book publishing. This pushed Munuera to leave Spain for Angoulême. His hard work convinced Delcourt to publish his first series, with Joann Sfar as the writer. Together they created the series Les Potamoks. When it met with limited success, the dynamic duo pitched their work to another publisher: Dargaud. And thus came into being the adventures of Merlin, the famous magician who was never far from loyal companions Tartine the ogre and Jambon the pig. The series captured quite an audience, and when Sfar no longer had time to produce the scripts, their ongoing adventures were penned by Jean-David Morvan. This would be the beginning of a long artistic partnership between Munuera and Morvan. The science-fiction bestseller by Morvan and Buchet, Sillage (Delcourt), was transformed through Munuera's artwork into a children's series called Nävis, which ran for six issues. Meanwhile, Dupuis Publishing contacted the Morvan-Munuera duo to take on the reboot of its franchise character: Spirou. With Le Signe de Lune, co-written with his friend Enrique Bonet, Munuera really came into his own; the series published as part of the ‘Long Courier' collection by Dargaud, received rave reviews from both critics and the public at large. To this day his productive collaborations continue with the series Sortilèges (Spellbound), scripted by Jean Dufaux, and Fraternity, scripted by Juan Diaz Canales, for which the compilation was released in 2014 by Dargaud.
Auteur(s) : Jose Luis Munuera
Auteur(s) : Jose Luis Munuera
Publication : 27 novembre 2017
Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub], Livre numérique eBook [PDF]
Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub), Marquage social (PDF)
Taille(s) : 58,1 Mo (ePub), 41,8 Mo (PDF)
EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9782800183343
EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [PDF] : 9791034798933
EAN13 (papier) : 9782800170138