Begin mei 1945. Een revolutionair toestel, de vliegende vleugel, laat boven New York een bom los die geladen is met een ton uranium. De stad wordt totaal verwoest, overal ontstaat brand en er vallen honderdduizenden slachtoffers. Oberleutnant Werner Zweiköpfiger, een Amerikaanse spion die is geïnfiltreerd in de Duitse luchtmacht, wordt gelukkig weer wakker. Het was maar een nachtmerrie.Alleen is die nachtmerrie ook de droom van Hitler en Fugkapitän Hanna Reitsch, de jeugdvriendin van Werner. Hanna kreeg van Hitler de opdracht om New York te bombarderen en zo de eer te redden van het Derde Rijk. De geallieerden zijn ervan overtuigd dat de oorlog voorbij is. Hun enige bekommernis is nu zoveel mogelijk Duitse geleerden op te pakken voor die in Russische handen vallen. En hun absolute prioriteit gaat uit naar Wernher von Braun, de uitvinder van de V1- en V2-bommen. Maar Hanna is vastbesloten de opdracht van de Führer tot een goed einde te brengen.
Born on 15 February 1973, Alain Henriet fed his appetite for comic books from an early age with the periodical Strange, which he bought second-hand from markets, but also with the Journal de Mickey, as well as various series from the publisher Dupuis, such as "Le Scrameustache" and the "Les Tuniques Bleues" ("The Bluecoats," Cinebook).His first publications were published in the magazine "Brazil," followed by various illustrations in "L'inédit."Around that time, Alain came together with author Baloo to work on a longer story. This led to the first version of a strange tale about pizza, in the form of a black and white comic, of which 600 copies were printed ("Une pizza à l'oeil" in 1996).Alain then won a comic book competition organized by the magazine ‘Spirou.' In his last year of studies, he was juggling writing for the magazine (where he was on work placement) and school. This led to his first strips in ‘Spirou.'After a one-year placement on the editorial team and with school at an end, Alain was free again.Keen on stories of werewolves, he compiled a portfolio and went knocking on the doors of publishers in Angoulême. This led to the series "Le Portail," published by Téméraire, with Olier writing the scripts.In 1998, Alain was again recruited by the editorial team of ‘Spirou,' this time to work on the layout and as a proofreader.Over the years, he has continued to work with the publisher Dupuis, creating the thrilling series ‘Damocles,' and the historical fiction series ‘Bear's Tooth' (both published in English by Cinebook), as well as contributing to the children's series ‘FRNK' as a letterer (Europe Comics 2017).
Editeur : Standaard Uitgeverij
Publication : 22 juin 2016
Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]
Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)
Taille(s) : 35,2 Mo (ePub)
Langue(s) : Néerlandais, flamand
Code(s) CLIL : 3772, 3780
EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 5420077119088
EAN13 (papier) : 9789031434428