In "The Wisdom of Life," Arthur Schopenhauer delves into the practical aspects of human existence, focusing on how one can attain a fulfilling and contented life. This work is part of his larger collection, "Parerga and Paralipomena," and offers pragmatic advice grounded in his broader philosophical outlook. Schopenhauer emphasizes the importance of individuality, personal happiness, and the cultivation of inner wealth over external success. He discusses the roles of health, intellectual development, and aesthetic appreciation in achieving a satisfying life. Schopenhauer’s philosophy combines a realistic understanding of human nature with a deeply introspective approach, advocating for a life led by reason, moderation, and self-awareness. This text remains relevant for its insightful reflections on the human condition and its practical guidance on living well.
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860) Philosophe allemand du début du xixe siècle, il pose les fondements de sa doctrine dès 1819 dans Le Monde comme volonté et comme représentation. Ce solitaire incompris n’accède à la renommée qu’à la fin de sa vie et devient une figure majeure de la philosophie allemande, influençant notamment Friedrich Nietzsche et Sigmund Freud. Son oeuvre la plus connue, L’Art d’avoir toujours raison, est également disponible en Librio (n° 1076).
Auteur(s) : Arthur Schopenhauer
Editeur : Andrii Ponomarenko
Auteur(s) : Arthur Schopenhauer
Publication : 4 juillet 2024
Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]
Protection(s) : Aucune (ePub)
Taille(s) : 1,24 Mo (ePub)
EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9786178398828