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Le clin d'œil d'un homme qui est allé au bout de ses rêves et qui, devenu un artiste accompli, revient sur sa carrière avec une lumineuse nostalgie.

Au milieu des années 1980, le succès de la chanson " Je te donne " révèle, outre celui de Jean-Jacques Goldman, le talent prometteur d'un jeune guitariste : Michael Jones. Dix ans plus tard, le Franco-Gallois est devenu l'un des artistes favoris de la scène française. Il participe aux plus belles aventures musicales, dont celle du légendaire trio Fredericks Goldman Jones, livrant des titres incontournables – " À nos actes manqués ", " Né en 17 à Leidenstadt " – qui font souffler un vent de nouveauté sur les chaînes de radio.
Aujourd'hui, alors qu'il continue de jouer, chanter, partager, Michael Jones prend pour la première fois la plume et nous offre un récit spontané et plein d'humour qui dévoile les détours et péripéties insoupçonnés d'un parcours pas comme les autres. De son attachement au pays de Galles, où les enfants déchiffrent leurs premières partitions à l'école en même temps qu'ils apprennent à lire, à ses diverses collaborations – Johnny Hallyday, Florent Pagny, Joe Cocker... – en passant par Les Enfoirés, dont il est l'un des piliers, le guitariste et chanteur aux lunettes teintées raconte quatre décennies de souvenirs en musique.


  • Michael Jones (auteur)

    Over the years, Canadian Michael Jones has quietly established himself as an inspired speaker and facilitator, accomplished composer and pianist, an evocative storyteller, and a fresh and gifted voice in weaving together metaphors from the arts to introduce new perspectives in leadership, learning and change. Michael is best known as the founding artist with Narada Records where his many CD's of original piano compositions, including Pianoscapes, Touch and After the Rain have served as benchmarks for contemporary solo piano recordings for over 25 years, Since then he brought his depth of experience in artistic and leadership practices to introduce new concepts for leading artfully to extraordinarily diverse sectors, including healthcare, corporate, religious, consulting, military, voluntary, education, municipal, and more.

    He was a core faculty member with the MIT Dialogue Project and Dialogos facilitating programs in leadership and the art of thinking together. He is a charter-consulting member with the Society for Organizational Learning, a Senior Fellow with the McGregor Burns Academy of Leadership, University of Maryland where he is also chairperson of a knowledge circle on arts leadership and community and a Leadership Fellow with the Center for Professional Excellence at the University of Texas, San Antonio.

    The primary focus of his work is to envision a new leadership story that involves a transformation from performance to presence, problems to possibilities, abstraction to beauty, efficiency to improvisation and instrumentality to the expressive power of metaphor and story. Together these awaken a commons of the imagination - a space of wholeness in the personal and collective imagination that may contribute to a more sustainable and transcendent vision that is creative organic and whole.

    He has written two books on leadership and creative practice; Creating an Imaginative Life (Conari Press, 1995) (Trafford, 2007) and Artful Leadership: Awakening the Commons of the Imagination (Trafford, 2007).

    Through his music, writing and speaking, Michael holds a candle for those seeking to find a deeper sense of purpose and as they learn to navigate a more complex and changeable world.

    He has a BA in music and psychology from Mount Allison University and an MA in Adult Learning from the University of Toronto. He lives in a lakeside community north of Toronto Canada with his partner Judy, a practitioner in the healing and fine arts.

    Michael's web site is

Auteur(s) : Michael Jones, Stéphane Basset


Editeur : Groupe Robert Laffont

Auteur(s) : Michael Jones, Stéphane Basset

Publication : 30 septembre 2021

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)

Taille(s) : 5,67 Mo (ePub)

Langue(s) : Français

Code(s) CLIL : 3932

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9782221255377

EAN13 (papier) : 9782221255360

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