It has often been said that René Follet was one of the most famous unknowns among the great artists who once contributed to "Tintin" magazine. An injustice when one considers that already at 14 years old Follet began his career with a series of illustrations depicting Stevenson's "Treasure Island." Literature has always held a key place in Follet's work, reappearing frequently through "Bob Morane." And he has always found himself alongside some of the comic book world's greats, from Tilleux to Duchâteau. In the early 2000s, together with Duchâteau, Follet created the striking two-part series "Terreur," based on the life of Mme. Tussaud, and more recently he teamed up with author Rodolphe to produce the richly textured "Stevenson, le pirate intérieur" (Dupuis; "Stevenson, The Pirate Within").